Stuff and the things
So 2024 has been an interesting year so far. I dropped a few projects that I decided were just not worth my time, I got off of Twitter or X and Threads and Tumbler and now I'm just on Instagram. I don't think I'll be on there very long.
I was on all these social media sites to promote my writing and painting and, to be honest, found it a waste of my time. That's not to say there are not some positive things about social media and how people can become successful with it. I'm just not one of those people.
Social media became more time-wasting than something that actively helped my art. So I backed off most of the things. I found myself turned off lately by things that just waste my time. I'm trying not to be cynical, it's just I've had enough.
This picture was taken in August of 2020. I was somewhere in Michigan at a cheap hotel for work. I had just had hernia surgery and this was the first project I was on after that. I was happy that the surgery went well and I took this picture to share on my facebook feed for no reason at all.
2020 was an interesting year. Covid was a thing that either most people misunderstood or just plain didn't care. Or worse, intentionally feigned ignorance just to prove how stupid they actually were. But either case, I was out there on the road and working through it all. My little mask was in my sweatshirt as always, I was just outside enjoying a smoke, reading my kindle and having some alone time. It was a weird time, and I'm glad I was out and about and working and not stuck home working some job I hated.
This year has been difficult. I haven't been able to work since October of 2022. I had some pretty serious injuries and have been patiently waiting for the powers that be to approve procedures to make my injuries less of an issue than they are at the moment.
I also had many plans to paint and to write and what not, and I found myself having a lot of difficulty doing both because over time my injuries have been causing my hands to either be completely numb or shaking, like tremors. So that kinda puts a damper on a few things.
I'm going to resume working on things as I can. I have written a few movie reviews and touched a couple canvas, but for the most part I've been dealing with life more than anything else. But I'm still here and alive and somewhat well.