2024 1st and 2nd quarter projects.

January - February - March

You can expect all four of the Tails of The Village Idiot books to be published and available online in e-book, paperback and hardcover. I'll be offering special deals on this website only for free e-book downloads.

The Damaged Perspectives picture book will be available in hardcover as soon as I've inspected the proof and made any necessary changes to it.

The Damaged Perspectives paintings series is officially over with and I plan on exploring new and exciting painting styles and content. While writing, I do plan on having more gallery shows in Illinois, refining my subject matter, finding homes for all of my Damaged Perspective paintings and finding more patrons to provide the much needed supplies for my art.

May - June - July

In the second quarter of 2024, I plan on publishing weekly serials.

"Lies", is the working title (which will change) for my most recent endeavor. It's a tale of mystery and obsession and based on a true story.

"Never Really Mine" is a story of love, lies and deceit.

"Jealousy" is an erotic novel that will only be available on this site.

"The Cut Up" is another erotic novel based on a serial killer looking to find redemption.